Tetsuji Seta Exhibition / 瀬田哲司「パラレルワールド/併行世界」

8 October – 31 October, 2020

Tetsuji Seta takes the traditional, closed shapes of the medal, which is mainly old in Europe, and turns it into an open, three-dimensional two-tiered structure, while at the same time replacing the once “special events for which the medal should be made” – such as war and marriage – with extremely everyday moments, adding elements from nature to these two parallel moments. In doing so, Seta generated meaning naturally. It is this unique style of combining geometric shapes with smaller shapes picked up from nature and the skill of casting that has made Seta’s work notable in the field of contemporary art medals. In this exhibition, we will be seeing new works that further refine recent finishing techniques.


exhibition date

8 October – 31 October, 2020, 13:00 – 19:00
*Last day, 13:00 – 17:00
*Gallery will be closed on Wednesdays, Sundays, and holidays.

opening reception

No reception for this exhibition.

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