Koki Miwa Exhibition / 三輪洸旗「チューリップ – 鳳凰と大地 – 」

7 November – 30 November, 2019

Koki Miwa has lived in Gunma for many years, and absorbed a lot from the distinctive natural features found there. This exhibition is an exploration of those forms, focusing on their unique characteristics. Miwa has paid close attention to the voice of the land he inhabits, and through this relationship, and the works he has produced, we are able to feel a stronger connection with the world around us. The exhibition is composed of sculptures of tulips and other plants, paintings, and drawings. Continuing on from the previous exhibition, we do hope you will come and experience the world of Miwa.

三輪洸旗が、長年暮らす群馬固有の風土から感じ、知りうること。本展ではその特異性に着目した”かたち”を展覧いたします。三輪は生きる場所の声に注意深く耳を傾け、繋がり、そして生み出された作品で世界と私達をつなげていきます。チューリップや植物の彫刻と平面作品、ドローイングで構成される本展。前回展「チューリップ -景観-」に続く三輪の世界を是非ご高覧ください。

exhibition date

7 November – 30 November, 2019, 12:00 – 19:00

(last day, 12:00 – 17:00)

*Gallery will be closed on Wednesdays and Sundays.

opening reception

9 November, 2019, 18:30 – 20:30

installation views
works exhibited

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