Koki Miwa Exhibition / 三輪洸旗「チューリップ – 景観 – 」

5 July – 30 July, 2018

Miwa’s tulips appeared at his previous solo exhibition in 2015 and slowly changed in shape as they were continuously made. Recently, their form better expresses the “absence and blank space” that is important in Miwa’s creations. This exhibition composes of these tulips and around 20 flat artworks on the theme of landscapes. The landscapes that “renew the eternal now,” which Miwa has seen in his travels between Tokyo and Gunma, extend horizontally in concert with the vertical tulips. Do come and see the exhibition.

三輪洸旗(みわ こうき)のチューリップは2015年の前回個展で登場し、その後少しずつ形を変えながら継続してつくられてきました。最近では、三輪の制作において重要な「欠落と余白」を表すものとしてよりその姿を現しています。本展はこのチューリップと、風景をモチーフに描いた 20 点程の平面作品で構成されます。三輪が東京と群馬を往復する中で見た「永遠なる今を更新していく」風景が水平な広がりをみせ、垂直に立つチューリップと呼応します。ぜひご高覧くださいませ。

exhibition date

5 July – 30 July, 2018, 12:00 – 19:00

(last day, 12:00 – 17:00)

*Gallery will be closed on Wednesdays and Sundays.

opening reception

7 July, 2018, 18:30 – 20:30

installation views
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