Tomohiro Shibuki uses felt to create wraps of 3D objects of common items and create clothing works as well. One of Shibuki’s recent works is a series that use powdered rock to cover rocks. The works present the perspective of the integrity/continuity concealed within the individuality on the surface by taking matters people recognize subconsciously in daily life as symbols and “wrapping” and “covering” them to “equally shade off” objects so that it becomes possible to “extract the commonality.”
Shibuki’s hometown, Otaru City in Hokkaido, is all covered by snow in terms of people, building and nature. Shibuki says this scenery released from daily life, provided comfort, and enhanced his imaginations. Furthermore, he adds that transforming the items around him using felt was a way to observe and question himself.
In 2024, Shibuki won 3 awards at the International Fashion Contest ITS, in art, design, and fashion across different fields. This is the first exhibition here since the 1-month online-only exhibition in 2021. Please don’t miss this opportunity to visit and appreciate his works.
2024年には国際的ファッションコンテスト「ITS」にて3部門を受賞するなど、美術、デザイン、ファッションの領域を横断する澁木智宏、GALLERY TAGA 2では2021年に約1カ月のオンライン限定展覧会以降初のギャラリー空間での展示となります。この機会にぜひご高覧ください。
17 October– 2 November, 2024, 13:00 – 19:00
(last day, 13:00 – 17:00)
*Gallery will be closed on Wednesdays, Sundays, and holidays.
2 November, 2024, 14:00 – 15:00 @GALLERY TAGA 2
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