Michiyo Miwa Exhibition / 三輪途道「けんぞく家族」

15 June – 10 July, 2023

Michiyo Miwa continues to create artwork daily despite going blind due to intractable eye disease, thinking, “Creating artwork is life itself.” Today, she creates artworks using an original method that innovates the hollow dry lacquer, a Buddha statue building technique.

She feels her soul has become bare after being unable to use the wood carving technique she had been working on for a long time. She said this naturally led to her desire to mold religious objects.

目の難病で見えなくなった三輪途道は、それでも「作品を作ることは、生きることそのもの」と、毎日変わらず制作を続けています。 現在は仏像制作技法の一つである脱乾漆をアレンジした独自の方法で制作。 長らく取り組んできた木彫という「技」が使えなくなったことで自分の魂がむき出しになったと感じ、そこから自然と信仰物につながる造形をしたくなってきたと話します。
exhibition date

15 June – 10 July, 2023, 13:00 – 19:00

(24 June and last day, 13:00 – 17:00)

*Gallery will be closed on Wednesdays, Sundays, and holidays.

gallery talk: Michiyo Miwa x Koko Okano x Kunio Yanagida

24 June, 2023, 17:00 – 18:30 @Roomer

定員30名程度、事前予約制、参加費1,000円「book vol.3 三輪途道」付

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