In challenging times, we think rich and popular art is essential for humanity. Each person has different ways and depths of dealing with art. One of the active ways to deal with it is “buying a piece of art.” With this in focus, the first and second exhibitions were held in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This exhibition, which was named COLLECTION X, was designed to be an opportunity to consider art from multiple angles, including the perspective of people purchasing art (approaches to artists and their works, how to choose artworks and personal approach to art), rather than usual artist and gallery perspectives offered at planned exhibitions.
This exhibition will be the third time and it will be a chance to introduce artworks requested by Mr.A to two artists. Mr.A has been a collector throughout the period when GALLERY TAGA 2 was still GALLERY TAGA at the same location since the 1990s and 2000s. As Mr.A is a music enthusiast, artworks by Nana Matsubara and Moe Yoshida which are considered to be his best, inspired by Chopin and Debussy and their collections of 24 preludes, will be exhibited. It has become a rich space and opportunity, combining both the fruits of art and music.
This exhibition also commemorates 10 years of history as GALLERY TAGA 2. Here, we would like to thank Mr.A, Nana Matsubara, Moe Yoshida, artists who always work with us, clients, and other supporters. We appreciate your constant support and look forward to your continuous support in the future.
今回の第3回目は、現在のTAGA 2になる前、1990年〜2000年まで同じ場所で開いていたTAGA時代からのコレクターでもあるA氏が二人の美術家に依頼した作品をご紹介する機会としました。音楽好きでもあるA氏のベスト盤とも言えるショパンとドビュッシーのそれぞれ前奏曲集(24曲)から発想された、松原奈々と吉田萠の作品を展示します。音楽と美術とそれぞれの豊かさが掛け合わさり、充実した空間、機会になりました。
また本展はTAGA 2になり10年が経過した記念でもあります。この場をお借りしてA氏と松原さんと吉田さん、またいつも共に活動してくださる美術家の方々、お客様、関係者に謝意を表します。いつもありがとうございます。そして今後ともどうぞよろしくお願い致します。
16 December – 24 December, 2024, 13:00 – 19:00
(last day, 13:00 – 17:00)
*Gallery will be closed on Wednesdays, Sundays, and holidays.
No reception for this exhibition.
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